Dept. ofSurgery
This interest group is mainly focused on cognitive impairment (i.e., memory impairment, speech disorder), movement disorder (hemiparesis, dystonia) and neuro-rehabilitation related to head trauma and stroke. Specific facility available in the faculty: transcranial direct current stimulation.
Emergency Medicine
This interest group is primarily focussed on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other resuscitative measures in emergency medicine including public education, attitude and willingness to perform bystander CPR and automated external defibrillator, endotracheal intubation competency training among emergency medicine providers, pre-hospital care, training on the use of point-of-care ultrasonography in shock management, and the integrated management of domestic violence and other forms of sexual abuses, child abuses, etc in One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC) in emergency department. This research interest group has also provided a lot of opportunities for medical students and postgraduate emergency medicine specialty training students to get involved in nurturing and sharpening their research and data analytic skills.