Head of Units

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheah Whye Lian
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheah Whye LianQuality Unitwlcheah@unimas.my
Mdm. Dzuriaty binti Siri-ee
Mdm. Dzuriaty binti Siri-eeLaboratory Management Unit sdzuriaty@unimas.my
Professor Dr. Chew Keng Sheng
Professor Dr. Chew Keng ShengCurriculum Development & Innovation Unitkschew@unimas.my
Prof. Dr. Dayangku Norlida bt Awang Ojep
Prof. Dr. Dayangku Norlida bt Awang OjepMedical Education Unitaodnorlida@unimas.my
Hjh. Rasidah binti Abdul Wahab
Hjh. Rasidah binti Abdul WahabCorporate and Publication Unitawrasidah@unimas.my